Lighting the Path: Kimberly Novod's Journey to Saul's Light

Season #2

In this conversation, Mary Coughlin interviews Kimberly Novod, the founder and director of Saul's Light, a New Orleans-based nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the unique social-emotional needs of Louisiana’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and bereaved families.

Kimberly shares the personal journey that led her to establish Saul's Light and the organization's mission to provide support and resources to NICU families and families who have experienced infant loss. Kimberly highlights the importance of maternal mental health and health equity in improving birth outcomes and creating a more compassionate healthcare system. She emphasizes the need for policy change and community support to address the systemic challenges faced by these families.

Through vulnerability, empathy, and a deep understanding of the trauma experienced by NICU families, Kimberly and Saul's Light are making a significant impact on the lives of parents and babies in their community. Their work serves as a model for providing individualized care and fostering love and compassion for all.


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