Transforming Trauma in Early Childhood: A Conversation with Dr. Marcus Wilken

Season #2

This podcast episode features an insightful conversation with Dr. Marcus Wilken, who discusses his unexpected journey into working with babies, particularly those facing post-traumatic feeding disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder. Dr. Wilken shares how his early role as a caregiver for autistic children and his subsequent journey through psychology and developmental psychology led him to discover his passion for working with babies in Austria. He delves into the importance of reestablishing positive relationships with food, caregivers, and the self to overcome trauma and dissociation in infants. Highlighting the challenge and success of his methods, Dr. Wilken emphasizes the need for calm, attuned care and the transformational power of building trust and joyful interactions.


Join Markus and Mary and the star-studded faculty at Caring Essentials' 4th Annual Trauma Informed Developmental Care Conference, October 13-15, 2024 taking place at the iconic Hilton Boston Park Plaza, Boston MA, USA.  LEARN MORE


Caring Essentials' is all about helping health and human service professionals cultivate meaningful practices and routines to live their best selves and serve at their highest potential.

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